The Colorado Buffaloes football program is known for attracting big-name celebrities, thanks to their head coach and his high profile. Deion “Prime Time” Sanders is widely regarded as one of the greatest defensive backs of all time. He also had an impressive baseball career, playing nine years in the MLB.
With Sanders’ legendary career came star power, allowing him to build relationships with celebrities from different industries. But when actor Denzel Washington virtually met with his players, even Sanders seemed a bit starstruck.

Denzel Washington’s Message to the Buffaloes
Washington spoke to the Colorado players for over 30 minutes through a live video call. The legendary actor recently became a licensed minister in New York, adding another layer to his already remarkable career.
wise words from THE DENZEL WASHINGTON. 🎬
— Colorado Buffaloes Football (@CUBuffsFootball) March 13, 2025
During his talk, Washington opened up about his past, including his struggles with drug use growing up in New York. He also shared how he dealt with disappointment, admitting that he turned to drinking after losing out on an Academy Award. His honest message gave the players valuable insight into overcoming setbacks and staying focused on their goals.
Sanders was clearly thrilled when Washington joined the video call. He couldn’t hide his excitement, saying, “Let’s clap it up for him. I love you, I appreciate you. You don’t understand — I almost ran off the road when you FaceTimed me the first time. I didn’t know what to do. I can’t wait to go to New York and see you.”
Washington shared several powerful messages with the Buffs, but one that really stood out was when he said, “When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too,” Washington told the Buffs. “But eventually, good things grow out of that mud. Fame ain’t all it’s made up to be. Power and privilege and fame and wealth, hopefully, you’ll see, but it’s not all it’s made up to be. You can pray that it rains on you, but you got to deal with the mud.”
His message reminded the players that success comes with challenges and that they must be prepared to face the difficult moments along the way.
Washington also stressed the importance of education and teamwork, encouraging the players to support each other in the classroom. “Today is the best opportunity — it’s an opportunity for you to be the best you can be. C student, what an opportunity you have to be a B student. A student, what an opportunity you have to help that C student. Help each other, protect each other!”
After Sanders thanked him, Washington shared some parting advice — and a little humor.
“If y’all don’t send me a ticket to the national championship game when you get there, don’t ever go to none of my movies ever again,” Washington joked. “I know you’re going to be there. You remember that Denzel Washington said it. You are going to the national championship.”
MORE COACH PRIME: Deion Sanders Net Worth
Washington’s confidence in the team’s future left a lasting impression on the players, motivating them to aim high.
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